It's a bit hard to write in two blogs at the same time -I started writing about our time in Sydney on my own blog (see the post here), but I've decided to continue posting here because 1- it'd be a bit rude to Juliette; 2- I mostly keep my blog to ramble on about my fandoms so my personal life doesn't really belong there. Anyhow! Here we are, then, in Australia. By the way, I plan to update both blogs way more than I usually did, but I don't really know if it'll hold...
In any case, we're in Sydneeeeey, Australia's pride and glory, the largest city (in terms of population), the capital of New South Wales, Finding Nemo's setting (heh)... It's been all good so far -terrifying, impressive, warm and FULL OF PEOPLE. Duh! You'd believe that Australia, being this huge scary territory, would have less people than that. But Sydney is just massive, as in Paris massive. Crazy... Because we've been in New Zealand all that time, we're just not used to big cities anymore.
So, that post on my blog was our first day in Sydney -this is a summary of the second one (in pictures!)
Oh, and as I've said many times, I'm the shittiest photographer you can ever think of, so the pics are all wobbly and crap. I apologise for the poor angles really...
Oh, and as I've said many times, I'm the shittiest photographer you can ever think of, so the pics are all wobbly and crap. I apologise for the poor angles really...
We actually went inside the cathedral. It was quite, well, impressive. Can't think of any other adjective to describe these... After that, we went for a walk in the Royal Botanic Gardens, which is right by the city centre and yet, very peaceful and quiet.

The CBD view from the Gardens (what a contrast)

A glass pyramid in the Gardens which was oddly familiar, and which featured an... interesting message across

Flowers (what a boring caption :p)

Bats on a tree, which was downright scary, and they were noisy as hell! It was fun anyway...
Walking alongside the Gardens, we ended up on the harbour, by far Sydney's liveliest and most tourist-y district.
After that, we went to run some Christmas errands: it's all around us indeed, even though temperature can hit the 25°C mark. It's really odd being here around that time of the year, because the weather is of course quite un-Christmassy.
Today, our third day in the city, we took the ferry (which is a form of public transport here, just as any other bus or train -can you believe that?) to Manly Beach.
Today, our third day in the city, we took the ferry (which is a form of public transport here, just as any other bus or train -can you believe that?) to Manly Beach.
T'was quite amazing -really nice to just walk around and taking it easy. We simply could not believe some people were fortunate enough to own houses right by that kind of scenery! But they do, those lucky bastards.
Well, that's it for now :) More updates later, I'm sure!
Bats ? Scary ? Ow !
They're kind of fruit-eating rats with wings, y'know ! Nothing you should be afraid of !
By the way, I used to have some in my room... Proof here :
Not scary, but kind of disturbing when it comes in around midnight... ^_^
Ohhh those pics!
Arf, j'aurais trop aimé pouvoir venir en Australie avec vous! :(
C'est cool... Ca a l'air tout joli là-bas! :)
(Même s'il y a des chauves-souris dans les jardins publics... T'sais que j'en avais jamais vu de jour, d'ailleurs!)
(Pis faut pas en avoir peur... Pense à Batman :D)
Merci de nous tenir au courant de vos errances...
Joyeux Noël à vous (again - vu mon comm sur ton blog).
Take care, girls! :)
(Ohh et j'ai la flemme de commentaire le post de Fish, mais c'était intéressant à lire aussi! :D)
You write very well.
I have a blog that I follow on a regular basis, and she mentioned frogs in New Zealand. What is the story with the frogs there?
P.S. I have a good friend there in Paris who was an exchange student at my home many years ago.He is now grown and has a live in, and a couple of children. I wish he had a blog so we could keep more in touch.His family was in Grenoble. I think he is now in Chambrey.
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